Exploring, Discovering, Learning

I want to make the Past, both History and Prehistory, more exciting, relevant and 'hands-on'. It's a fun place with some great stories, I want to share these with everyone.I work with schools, museums, community groups, either at their place or outdoors in the Landscape.
I develop and deliver projects. I create resources. Exploring the Past and our shared heritage, bridging the divide and Discovering the links between these artefacts, sites or museum and Us. I try to put objects back in context, helping people Learn about the past. I use objects, both orginal and replica, costume, crafts and role play, in other words - Living History.

I'm a member of a small group of like-minded people - The Deja Crew

ps - I personally do not collect any data from this blog. However I know Google does, particularly through Google Analytics - please contact them if you want to know more.

Monday 22 July 2013

Busy July...

July has been quite busy.
 Loads of 'Family Man' sessions, including a whole day in a nursery for around 40 Dads and their children!  I've done evening sessions at Once Brewed Youth Hostel, school groups at Segedunum and Roman Army Boot Camp at Arbeia Roman Fort..  Last Saturday Victor the Veteran was finally promoted and awarded some medals

There was even a brief moment where I was asked to impersonate the Emperor Hadrian!  The event was Epiacum: ALSTON 200AD, a celebration of things Roman and Family Fun in Alston.  Victor the Veteran was asked to ride the South Tynedale Railway chatting about life in the Roman Army as the train made it's way past the Fort of Epiacum (Whitley Castle).  Perhaps I should have gone under the name of Titus the Tank Engine!!
As usual an Auxiliary with a camera doesn't really work, so I'm relying on others for some photos, including me launching a book - Hadrian and his Wall by Paul Frodsham.

Next weekend I'm off to Chilton Village Gala, to try my hand at a new activity - details will follow soon.

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